I have been studying React in my personal for the last few years. My daily work within Salesforce Commerce Cloud hasn't afforded me the professional chance to work within the modern frameworks I would like. I decided it was pertinent for me to take the initiative myself and started working on projects for my own welfare and enjoyment.
The most impressive demonstration of these efforts is the Netflix-style media site I built using React, and the TMDB.org API. The API includes Movie and Show data arranged into various "categories", as well as tons of imagery. It was the perfect source for me to jump into the thick of it using React to consume an API, and build out a robust site.
For the first iteration of the project I chose to use React Expo because I liked the concept of being able to export IOS and Android app versions of the site down the line should I choose to. It uses Supabase for Authentication & Database. This allows "Watched" and "Favorite" statuses to be set, and saved in the database logged to the account.
A year or so later, the opportunity to export in native app formats still intrigues me, but React Expo is cumbersome, and held back by React Native constraints. Most recently, I started a complete rebuild of the project using TanStack with the Router and Query packages. This will allow me to build a more robust site with better performance and more features. The new site has taken site taken shape in about a quarter of the time and is already seeing features being added, such a the use of Swiper as a carousel component, and more robust show landing pages.
Please keep in mind this is very much a sandbox project for me. I try not to push up broken code, but it happens. Below you will find link for both the more recent rebuild and the first iteration using React Expo
View React Expo Version (A bit rough on mobile, best viewed in a desktop browser.